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"The Show Will Go On!" CINEMA INSOMNIA'S 10th Season Fully Funded!

Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Mr. Lobo

When the host of the nationally syndicated late-night horror showcase "Cinema Insomnia" decided to make the 10th season something special he knew that he would have to get a little help to raise the funds necessary to make his vision become a reality. As most of you already know, independent productions sometimes don't rake in the kind of cash that say.....oh I don't know..... films like "Avatar" do, so finding the resources to get things rolling can be a bit tight.

Lobo decided to put his pride on the shelf for a bit and go directly to his fans, via Kickstarter, to ask for their donations to get the $10,000 he would need to produce his shows 10th season. It was a big risk for the Sacramento, Ca based production. A big risk that payed off in a big way.

In late November the campaign to launch the 10th season of CI went into full effect, and early on things didn't look good. Money began to trickle in slowly and about half-way through the 30 days allotted to raise the needed funds only about $3,000 had been pledged. The early returns weighed very heavily on Lobo who knew that his fan base was very loyal, but people had families to feed and Christmas was just around the corner. Perhaps the horror host had chosen the wrong time to petition for funds?

Despite these early setbacks, the CI fans ultimately didn't let Lobo down and as the time ticked off on the last evening of the Kickstarter program the money came in ...... and how. A late surge in donations pushed the tally past the projected $10,000 mark to an amazing $11,140!

Mr. Lobo was moved to say the least.

In response to the overwhelming response to all of the generosity bestowed by his loyal fans, Mr. Lobo had this to say:

"Mr. Lobo is the luckiest boy in the whole world! The CASH-O-METER exploded at $10,000—sending springs and sparks showering everywhere! We are still getting donations and we have two hours to go. Sources say we’re creeping up on $11,000!



Together, we made indie television history and saved the world for misunderstood movies!"

He then went on to personally thank every single person who donated their hard-earned money to back the show. You can read all of those "thank yous" here -

This just goes to prove that even in country such as ours, though times may be tough all around, people still will find ways to keep something that brings them joy alive. Mr. Lobo and CI are proof that the American dream is still very much alive and that quality entertainment can be produced without the backing of mega studios and huge corporations.

Indeed Lobo is the "luckiest boy in the whole world", his fans have stood by him for ten years, far longer than the attention span of the average TV viewer. About 99% of the television series that have been launched during CI's run have come and gone, which is a true testament to just what Lobo has been able to produce with a small crew and independent actors.

Bigger is not always better and CI proves it.

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