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The Lady of 1000 Lovers

A hale and hearty hello to our cyber friend Jack over at the web log dedicated to the art of Enoch Bolles, which you can jump to by clicking here. I certainly don't mean to intrude on his territory, but he actually said I could, so I'm posting a 1920s Enoch Bolles cover that seems quite different from Bolles' usual portfolio of light and spicy pin-up covers.

What may lack in action here, to me, is made up for with the mood and atmosphere of the painting. The use of the light source's color and direction indicates that these two are in front of a fireplace, but what's going on? Is she dead, alive, swooned? And he looks worried, like things ain't goin' well. Yada yada.

I catch a hint of a J.C. Leyendecker influence, not just in their features, but also in the paint modeling. I like the darkness and warm coloration and the dame looks pretty alluring as well. Go see Jack's site for a lively romp through all things Bolles.