Wonder Woman's New Look and Direction
by Armand Vaquer
Source: DC Comics' The Source
My mom is probably spinning in her grave.
DC Comics has announced that Wonder Woman has a new look and a new direction:
Starting today, Wonder Woman will appear like you’ve never seen her before.
As you may have seen in THE NEW YORK TIMES, bestselling artist and DC Comics Co-Publisher Jim Lee has redesigned her costume for the modern era, just in time for BABYLON 5 creator and critically acclaimed writer J. Michael Straczynski and artists Don Kramer and Michael Babinski to launch the Amazon Princess into an exciting and epic new era of adventure.
Starting with their story in WONDER WOMAN #600, which is in comic shops today, JMS and Kramer will begin a run that is both forward-looking and true to the legendary character, planting her firmly in the modern era. But enough about what I have to say. Mr. Straczynski took some time out of his schedule to lay out some of his plans for WONDER WOMAN right here on The Source.
My mom was an avid Wonder Woman reader in the 1940s and she occasionally read the comic in the 1960s (the Ross Andru & Mike Esposito years) whenever I bought one.
The general consensus is that this "costume" looks too 1990s. What do you think?
To read the entire article, go here.