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Logan's Run Remake Update - Logan 5 And Jessica 6 In 3D?

Written By: Ken Hulsey

Hold on to your lunch classic sci fi movie fans, it looks as if the 3D movie craze has claimed another, unlikely, victim.

"Logan's Run"

Last night at the premiere of "Splice", producer Joel Silver dropped the bombshell, "Logan's Run" will be made in 3D. In fact, the film maker had always envisioned the film in the 3D format (?).

This is what Silver told MTV, "I'd like to make Logan's Run [in 3-D]. It's a movie I've always been intrigued with, excited by. We're writing a script now and that should be a big 3-D movie and it should be devised and shot in 3-D. I think if we can pull it together, then it would be."

Wait a minute here, we are talking about "Logan's Run", right? Makes me more than a little nervous thinking about what kind of plans Silver has for film.

Let's just hope that he doesn't add 20-ft-tall robots or over-the-top, Matrix-like, action scenes to the script.

Well, one 20-ft-tall robot, Box, is supposed to be in the film, but not an army of them, or God forbid, Cyber-Sandmen.

In fact, I must have seen the original "Logan's Run" over a zillion times, and I never thought to myself, "God, that scene would be so cool if it were in 3D!"

Then again, seeing Jessica 6, played by British actress Jenny Agutter, would have been exciting. She was running around in nothing but a see-through green dress (with no undies) the entire movie. In fact, all the women in the movie were dressed like that.

Come to think of it, 3D may have spiced up the "Love Shop" sequence as well.

Hmmm, maybe Silver is on to something here?

Okay, probably not.

During his MTV interview, the producer also confirmed that a deal was on the table for Carl Rinsche to direct.

It had been reported earlier this year that Rinsche had already signed on to direct the remake of "Creature From The Black Lagoon" and “47 Ronin” for Universal, but now it seems that both of those projects may have to wait for "Logan's Run" to wrap before they can move forward. Silver and Warner Bros, seem gung-ho to get the film moving as soon as possible. Hopefully soon enough to make "Logan's Run" Rinsche's first big studio film.

"That's right. This may be his first one," added Silver. "He's got something else at Universal which is close, but we'll see what happens."

"He really is excited about it and so are we, so we'll see what happens."

All this rush to put Rinsche behind the divers seat of a major fantasy film seems more than a little puzzling. Prior to these new projects, the film maker had made only a handful of small films in the 90's, "The Quiz" (1994) and "Lovely Weather for Rain" (1996) are two examples, and mainly worked on commercials for the past decade.

Rinsche's Hollywood stock seemed to rise up out of nowhere when Ridley and Tony Scott considered him as the director of their upcoming "Alien" prequel film. Since then, people have seemed to be climbing over themselves to sign him up to everything and anything.

As far as "Logan's Run" being a 3D film ........ I don't see it. It just seems has Silver and the suits over at Warner Bros are following whats trendy and are banking on the film being the next "Avatar."

You have to admit though, Jenny Agutter, would have been amazing to see in 3D!

See Also: Carl Erik Rinsch To Direct LOGAN'S RUN Remake / Universal Courting Carl Erik Rinsch To Direct "Creature From The Black Lagoon" / The Death Of An American Icon - Farrah Fawcett - 1947-2009 / Logan's Run (1976)(MGM)